Sunday, March 12, 2006

Second Sunday of Lent

If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not withhold his own Son, but gave him up for all of us, will he not with him also give us everything else? Romans 8:31-32

We are the ones who are against us more than anything. That and the one who causes so much mischief and evil. We happen to be against ourselves that we do not believe God is for us. Each year we relive the Passion, to remind us that God gave us His Son, yet we soon forget afterward.

Really think about this for a moment, God gave us his son, his only son! To show us that it is love that is the way to live. Can we give up our own for the salvation of souls. Probably not, since its even harder to give up material possessions, but then again, getting rid of a child wouldn't be that difficult, since it would remove the back talk, and disrespect the child shows us. In my class, the women all would like to rid themselves of their children, because they are such a handfull. Unfortunately that is a selfish attitude because children are a blessing to anyone who is given them. Like anything else we do not see how we are.

God is ready to give us everything, but how can he when we do not even seek him, when we do not even realize the depth of his love.

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