Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Ever since my intimate encounter with the Eucharist and what has been shown to me through the pictures I have taken, my life has gone through many changes. These changes are happening by the greater good of God. I would not be at school if it wasn't by the grace of God. I needed to learn, not just about knowledge, but about life and myself. When I became ill, it changed my life. I had a habit of exceeding on the job, by performing my job as quickly and efficiently as possible. I worked very hard at any job I was given. After I had surgery to mend a problem, I pushed myself to do even more, to prove I was capable. Unfortunately my body wasn't responding the way a healthy persons will. Mine was telling me to slow down and I wasn't. I wasn't slowing down at all no matter where I went for a job it was a lesson I wasn't learning. What is the point, well I used to wonder that myself many times, the big "why." Then there's also dignity at the place you work, such as not being allowed to use facilities without permission. When I did sin I can tell you without a doubt how it causes confusion. I'm not in a rut because of no job at the moment it is part of the learning I need to do. If I do not learn to slow down I will alienate more people I work with and hurt myself physically by not pacing myself. God always has a plan for our lives; it's up to us to be open to His plan and recognize what He is doing for us. He did not take away from me, what he did was bring me life. It took me awhile to open my eyes to see what part of His purpose was. This is just a small part of the picture for me, but one that I have come to understand. The other part of the picture has to do with the Blessed Sacrament and it being a big part of my life now. Everything I write about I have learned about in the course of my life and how I have applied my Faith as I continued to learn life's lessons. That is the beauty of God and how he directs our life when we abandon our will to His. He brings us love, learning and peace. God Bless

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