Thursday, June 01, 2006

Jesus' Prayer

I made known to them your name and I will make it known, that the love with which you loved me may be in them and I in them. John 17:26

At the end of the prayer Jesus prayed, he speaks of revealing God's name to us. He also goes on to say he will make it known the love God has. So we may also have this relationship too as Jesus has with God.

Jesus went to great lengths to teach and to show us this. In the Old Testament they were in the habit of calling upon God for vengeance, not out of love for neighbor. We tend to have the same mentality of the people of the Old Testament. Worship other deities, commit many acts of depravity, when we don't like something we call upon God to destroy, nasty business then. We read of the destruction by a loving God. Why? Because he loved us enough to answer, even when it hurt him to do so.

Jesus came to show us the Truth about God, that he is Love. That it is not out of vengeance that we will find God or know of God's love, it is not how God wants us to know him. God is gentle, kind and loving.

Someday we will truly understand this.

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