Monday, October 23, 2006


But God said to him, 'You fool, this night your life will be demanded of you; and the things you have prepared, to whom will they belong?' "Thus will it be for the one who stores up treasure for himself but is not rich in what matters to God." Luke 12:20-21

Rightly so! We accumulate to pass on to the one's who will inherit. But in the process of storing up this treasure for others, are we also collecting and storing up any treasure for heaven. That is our true inheritance and where our riches will be found.

Sometimes we amass so many things to have no one to give it to. When we die we can not take it with us. In this Gospel reading, it is God who tells us what we need to do, to gather and store up what matters to him, not what matters to us.

When we have things that take things away from our daily living, such as storms that cut the power, or cause something even worse, devastation as we see it. It is our Fathers guiding hand showing us what is important and what is not. Material things come and go, but in all the time that we have it is faith that stands far longer than anything. We come together and unite, we show kindness when loss has happened. These are the treasures we build for our eternal life with God. He gave us virtues to live by, but only are seen when trouble is apparent.

Can it be that we have chosen to sit on our laurels waiting for devastation to happen before we let our virtues show. Where we begin to build our treasure. These possessions go with us when we die, not those that are man made, but God made.


Chris Dickson, F.L.A. said...

You are so right. The most difficult desires to purge ourselves from are our sensual desires, longing for those temporary things that we think will make us happy; the newest car, a larger home, the fastest computer, crab legs floating in butter!

Purging one's self of these sensuous desires is many times like undergoing extreme torture...but if we don't allow God to purge them from us now, He will surely purge them from us in Purgatory...

Marie Cecile said...

How true Brother Lesser, about Purgatory. But with this in mind, wouldn't we think to avoid even this.