Sunday, December 24, 2006

Vigil of Christmas

Matthew 1:1-25

Matthew starts off with the great lineage of Jesus' family history. It goes all the way back to Abraham, but really farther than that when we think about who his paternal father is. Since Mary was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit it is safe to say God's lineage is ageless.

In that sense then we are all from the same Father, we are begotten from God as a gift to our human natures, whereas God's lineage is spiritual.

We have been witnessing how Jesus' birth has come about. How Mary conceived a Son who would come to bring salvation to a land filled with unrest.

By now many have already watched the birth of our Lord at Midnight Mass in various parts of the world, while in this area we will soon welcome the arrival of the one who is to come. I pray that in our preparation in this Advent season find us welcoming this Child whom God sent to us as human.

Let us let the bright star of Bethlehem of long ago, brighten our path to Jesus.

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