Thursday, November 24, 2005


Last Sunday I went to my 2nd meeting as a Postulant for the Third Order of Dominicans for the Laity. It was an extremely beautiful day to share with others. As always Mass is quite an experience for me wherever I go; to be in the Presence of Our Lord is awesome. The only thing about that day was that I missed the end of the Forty hour Adoration somewhere else. But that is okay too, because I was in Adoration at the Monastery chapel. Where ever the Blessed Sacrament is there is our Heavenly Father. He is there with open arms to receive each one of us.
When I went to the Chapel I do Adoration at, I stayed at the back, basking in the warmth of God’s Love. Monday when I went, I knelt at the front where I could see the Host clearly; to my delight I could see the face of Jesus and something else. Jesus is so very alive and present in the Blessed Sacrament, it is very important to stress this about the Eucharist. Too many people do not understand this, just like they do not understand God.Today is a day of Thanksgiving in the U.S.A.; people are breaking bread all over the country with family and friends. They are celebrating a tradition about the faith and courage of the Pilgrims who landed in this country. They had the faith and courage to embark on a journey to a new land, to a new life, they knew nothing about. Today we celebrate the Freedom of Faith of our Founding Fathers of this Country. God chose to bless them on their Journey to plant the seeds of faith. Yet when we celebrate we forget how much they struggled to bring this land to life. Today it is hard to imagine that our founding fathers used the 10 commandments as a guide to living in a new land, except today we are erasing even that on a daily basis. This Country is founded on faith and we the people are destroying what we are celebrating today.

The Pilgrims gave Thanks to God for bringing them to a new home, to see a new day. Thanksgiving is Praise, is this Holiday soon to be banished because it gives Praise to God for a new life in a new land?

How does Thanksgiving have to do with the Eucharist, it’s simple, we break bread with each other in thanksgiving. God breaks bread with us in the Eucharist, giving us his only Son. God Bless

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