Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Jesus Question to Us

The Gospel of Mark 3:1-6 today has a question. "Is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath rather than to do evil, to save life rather that to destroy it?" The Pharisees did not want to believe, their hearts were so hardened, they set out to have Jesus put to death. Amazing how these thoughts have come from the Pharisees on a Sabbath, show us how vile their hearts truly were. Jesus showed them , not only on a Sabbath, but on other days, who he is and from whom he was sent. Did it change their hearts, did they ever stop to think, that here is their sign. Did this testimony of Jesus have to relate to us today, and how we kill the life within us. How many of us perform the ritual of death by the way we think, act, treat our neighbors, where we destroy an unborn life, or kill someone to make a statement. The Sabbath is a holy day to give to God, yet in our hearts, we commit what the Pharisees have done, attempt any means of putting God to death. Jesus came to heal and give life, by showing us healing done on a Sabbath, it is done for the good. The question is are we any different from the Pharisees. Have we stopped putting God to death?

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