Thursday, March 02, 2006

First Thursday of Lent

Jesus said to his disciples:“The Son of Man must suffer greatly and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed and on the third day be raised.” Luke 9:22
Today I reflect upon your words, oh Lord, with deep sorrow in my heart. You foretold your suffering, you have let us witness it, and you have given us your words to guide us. As I recall my life, I realize the many times I also brought you much suffering, in my rejection to follow your ways, to do what your word proclaimed for me to live a meaningful life. Even though you had done the trials for my benefit, I still wonder at times, not for lack of faith but more on the awe of you having done all that you have suffered, not only for my belief but that of the many people who live life today. How I try to grasp that you would take the cross for my sake, and die for me. Yet I believe you would do exactly that today were you here with us in the flesh as man. How you would sacrifice yourself just to save us, ungrateful people that we are, in order to show us time and time again the love you have in your heart for us. Yet I digress, because you are truly here in the flesh, in the Eucharist, where you take daily blows, from unclean hearts receiving you. How today you suffer daily for our lack of faith.

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