Sunday, July 23, 2006

Mountainous Solitude

"Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while." Mark 6:31


We all have faith, but there are times when it seems to dim. Many would call it a spiritual dry spell. Just like when we work at our regular jobs, we get tired. And the need for a vacation is often a remedy.

When it comes to faith we have the Lord's Day, the Sabbath as our day of rest. When we practice our faith we also have, a gathering that directs us, this is called a retreat. It could be done on your own or in groups, guided or unguided. But it is often to recharge the spiritual batteries of those who seek rest from their ministies.

Or as lay people we go on vacations with our families, but often we exclude a place of worship in our time of rest from work. Yet this is where we should seek our rest. Going to Church is peaceful, it recharges our spiritual batteries so we can be an effective light.

There are some who head to the mountains to seek solitude, to bring themselves closer to nature and to God when they let him in. I too love to go to the mountains. This is where I too can recharge my dryness in spirit, to recharge my own lagging spirit. Today I go North to recharge my soul. I go to a place where I always find renewal.

We are given a special gift from Jesus, a way to seek him in solitude. Let us all strive to be bright beacons of light, not burnt out light bulbs, because we refused to change our ways and learned to rest on the Day God Made For Us to rest on.


Paul Anthony Melanson said...

Dear Sister Marie Cecile,

Michael Brown just wrote these fantastic words: "Let us not fall prey to the traps of the devil -- who is trying to set everyone off against each other.

"Come away to a deserted place and rest awhile," says Scripture, and let us note that a desert is created by God simply to be itself, so that there is solitude, so that we have a clear view, so that there are no distractions, no noise. We can do this while on vacation! A desert is a logical dwelling for the man who seeks to be nothing but himself -- a solitary creature dependent on God.

It is in this solitude that we are filled with the words of the Lord and that we unite with each other to listen."

This was the spirituality of St. Vincent de Paul. Holy listening.

God love you,

Marie Cecile said...

And it truly is Holy Listening, when we unite with each other. It is then we allow our inner ears to hear.

God love you,
Sister Marie Cecile :-)