Monday, September 25, 2006

Shine on

Plot no evil against your neighbor, against one who lives at peace with you.Quarrel not with a man without cause, with one who has done you no harm. Proverbs 3:29

Ever wonder what type of world we have become, when we read or hear from the news sources someone killed for nothing over nothing. Or read of someone's plot against another. We read of this in today's first reading, yet we live it today as if it was written with us in mind.

These words are before Christ, yet Jesus came to fulfill much of what has been written. He came to save, to teach, to show us love. Why have we stopped learning his lessons then? Do we plot against him too? Maybe, considering we are living in such dark times. Where we have literally shut off the light from within.

We are always reminded of God's love, yet we often do nothing to change our world. We have many things that happen that show us where we err, but we do not change it. We have much plotting but we do not stop it. No one will admit when the plotting begins that what they are doing is wrong. We are the cause of having so much taken away from us.

Our lamps do not burn brightly, and what we do have is being taken away. When we love more is given, then the light from God that is within burns all the brighter. I much rather prefer being lit up like a lamp than being part of the darkness, what do you prefer?

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